When planning any type of travel, there are many considerations to take into account – the cost, time, distance, and means of transportation. None of this is any different when considering travel from Rome, Italy, to Paris, France. On the surface these two cities are relatively close together, however, the distance can become fairly lengthy when multiple forms of transportation need to be employed to reach one’s destination. For people wanting to travel between Rome and Paris, the costs, duration, and options available must all be analyzed in order to make an informed decision about the ideal method of transportation.
Assuming an individual traveler wishing to go from Rome to Paris, the cost of the journey begins with the airline ticket. There are direct flights available from Rome to Paris, and the lowest available ticket at the time of writing is around $125 USD (100 euro). That’s the easy part. When considering costs, travelers must also consider the cost of lodging and meals while on the trip. Taking into consideration the cost of a hotel and food, it is estimated this would add an additional $200 USD (159 euro) for a round-trip.
Timing is often an important factor when making travel plans. The most efficient way to get from Rome to Paris is by air. The direct flight from Rome to Paris is only 2 hours and 10 minutes, plus possible delays for check-in and getting through security. Taking the train between the two cities takes much longer, approximately 11 to 12 hours, in part due to the fact that much of the journey is done through smaller cities and towns along the way. Add to this the travel time to/from the train station, meal and restroom stops, the famous French strikes, and other potential delays, and the train is no longer the preferred method of travel.
For travelers who want to drive between Rome and Paris, the most direct route is through the Swiss Alps and the Mont Blanc Tunnel where, depending on traffic, it would take approximately 16 hours. Renting a car for that long trip adds an extra cost to the journey, however, the most imposing cost comes from the additional 60 euros ($66 USD) in tolls one would have to pay throughout the route.
For people who want a bit of luxury, it is possible to book rideshare cars or a private chauffeur with a stretch limo for the entire journey. Although this is one of the pricier alternatives, comfort is offered on a journey lasting 12-16 hours.
Time and Money For Travel
Taking into consideration all the factors involved – time and money – the most logical option is to travel by air, which is the fastest and least expensive form of travel. Although air travel can be difficult to manage, the time and cost savings make it the obvious choice for individuals travelling between Rome and Paris. Therefore, travelers should plan to fly between these two beautiful cities for the most efficient trip.